In this post to dilute the pain of Mockingjay's postponed release date, we will immerse ourselves in HG artwork:
Even though ALL of these pics are amazing, my absolute fav has to be THIS one:
ALL of these photos are created by laurenbashaw on Photobucket. You can see
more of her work here: Laurenbashaw
Hmm, I has so much fun! You know what? Forget about the HG casting for this month that will be next month's theme.
THIS month's theme will be HG ART!!! :D Remember if you have any, I will be MORE then happy to feature it here! You can email me at:
with any suggestions or references you might have! :D
Btw, the whole Mockingjay postpones gig was just a prank! ahaha! Happy April Fool's Day! :D lolol! peace out suckers! :P
May the odds EVER be in your favor!
Cool art, but I must say, I hate the fact that the Twilight fad has spread over to the The Hunger Games. I mean, teams were definitely started by the Twilight fans, and I wish it didn't have to touch the edges of the pages of The Hunger Games. I don't want another Twilight, especially not with these incredibly unique series. |:
hmm, i lik the teams but whatev. i c wht u mean tho. twifanatics r kinda nanoying. especially since the books rn't THT good! ;D
Hello,this may seem an odd request,but my "team members" and I all love your blog and were wondering if you could give us some advice as to how to get followers? We've had 83 page views,but we've only 3 followers,and that's 'cause we each have our own blog too.Please help in any way you can,it will be greatly appreciated! We very much need your help.
-Misguided Ghost Writer.
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