
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I've Been Neglecting You!! :(

Hello Everyone! 
Long time no post. I apologize for the neglect. But things are finally happening in the HG world again! 
This was just a quick post to let you all know that no, I have not died, and that I am coming back!  I have some REALLY exciting news for all of you guys!
Thanks for your support! Keep voting! Be back soon!
And most of all:

May the odds EVER be in your favor!


Awesomeness DJ said...

R!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE! YAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evie said...

(cries tears of joy) will you get back on newepoch? youve been gone forever have you been busy with somthin'?

Rochelle Blue said...

Sooo happy to hear from you. . :) can't wait to hear the exciting news!

Melanie♥♥♥ said...

Hey Hey Hey Hey!! I love love the Hunger Games so damn much. It's an addiction. I can't stop re-reading. The last book left me shocked. Post soon! :)
PS. I love your background! Where did you get it?