Hello Everyone!
I can't believe that my last post was nearly a full year ago! O_O
As I'm sure you all are well aware, it is 2013! Woooo! And if that's news for you either you're accessing this from the grave in which case please let me know how to set that up or..I don't know. Beauty sleep?
Anyways, another HG movie is due this year! I am sooo excited! Although a tad disappointing with the casting of Finnick, I'm sure I'll survive...probably.
NOVEMBER 22, 2013.
That's the US release date for Catching Fire. Learn it, love it, know it. Memorize it.
(I would also like to point out in angry indignation that DENMARK gets to see it a solid 6 DAYS before the rest of the world. Congratz to them. We all hate you.)
And to address the sacrilege of people are referring to Catching Fire as Hunger Games 2, I often implement this little poem:
Roses are white
Nightlock is blue
NOT Hunger Games 2!
I encourage you to use it sometime. Must keep the crowds educated. They'll be sure to thank you for it!
Now, on to the parachute necklaces. If you haven't seen or heard of these. Well, you're one of the few apparently. I really wanted one of these and decided to wait until my birthday to request one. As it turns out, THAT was a mistake. They are now "out of stock" and are currently being sold for $69.99 on ebay. Considering the fact that these were originally going for $22.50 I'm sure you understand my incredulity.
I'm a hardcore Hunger Games fan, but I'm not stupid.
So, if anyone of you lovely people now where I can purchase one while still retaining some semblance of sanity please let me know! Thanks!
I apologize for the neglect, and I'll do my best to post more often. This actually felt really good. I look forward to hearing from you all! (My contact info's on the right.) Bye!
And may the odds be EVER in your favor!