
Thursday, November 25, 2010

What I'm "Thank-full" For...

Hey Everyone,

As is my own personal tradition, this time of year I like to come up with a list of all the things I'm grateful for. And do you know what was in my top 5? You guessed it! The Hunger Games (and all that it's related to).
Now I know, I know some of you less enthusiastic people (= anyone NOT completely obsessed with the HG series) might be wondering what in the world HG is doing in my top 5 slot of What I’m “Thank-full” For In 2010 list. Well, I’ll tell you. The Hunger Games are amazing. They really are, they’re definitely one of the best book series I’ve ever read (and probably ever will). And if you’re here reading this you probably agree.
So I would just like to encourage you this Thanksgiving to create your OWN list of What I’m “Thank-full” For In 2010. HG doesn’t have to be in your top 5, but I would encourage you to put it somewhere on the list! :) Even if you don’t live here in the US or you don’t recognize it, being thankful never hurt anyone. ..
Leave what you’re “thank-full” for in the comments below! That’s all for now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
(Oh! And be sure to check out the Katnidates in my previous post. Tell me what you think!)

May the odds EVER be in your favor!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Katniss Canidates! Katnidates?


It seems that things are going well for the HG movie, the script is finished, and certain actors are receiving scripts... Who are these actors? (Or should I say actresses?) Let's find out..:
Okay. NOW for the Katnisdates...
Actresses Lyndsy Fonesca

and Kaya Scodelario

have expressed interest in the film and received scripts in October 2010.
Also, Chloe Moretz,

Malese Jow,

and Jodelle Ferland 

are also interested in the role of Katniss.

Ok, now let's go take a look at them.

Lyndsy Fonesca-Age: Good, Looks: Good. Everything Else: Good

Kaya Scodelario-Age: Good, Looks: Okay. Everything Else: Fail. There are pics of her smoking, giving the finger, and other undesirable actions. Not that I believe that this will hamper her acting abilities. (Well, some of it might.) But I just don't like her, I don't want HER as the face of The Hunger Games.

Chloe Mortez-Age: Fail. She 13. And she looks like it too. Maybe she can audition as Prim? NOT Katniss. Looks: Another fail. Katniss needs to be dark, tall(ish), and slender. Everything Else: Well she's 13 and looks nothing like Katniss. Do I really need to continue?

Malese Jow: Age: Good, Looks: Okay, Everything Else: Ok, now Malese's voice. Have any of you heard it? It's awful. And the way she acts, almost like Miranda Cosgrove. She also doesn't seem to have done any real in depth acting. Mostly just Nickelodeon.Katniss needs to be played by someone with depth and intensity. I'm sorry but I don't think that Malese will be able to pull that off. That along with her voice? Fail.

And last but not least, Jodelle Ferland: Age: Perfect. (She's 16), Looks: Good but she looks a little young. Katniss was very mature for her age and Jodelle doesn't look "aged beyond her years", Everything Else: I'm just not sure that Jodelle has the intensity required for the part. I don't know, she might suprise us!

Yeah, so there you have it the official Katnidates that we have so far. 

If you guys have any suggestions of your own for any of the parts, or have any comments regarding our Katnisdates let me know at:
Keep you posted with more soon!

May the odds EVER be in your favor!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

HGM News

Ok so here's the latest on the HG movie. (From here forward to be referred to as HGM. ;D)
As we all know, Lionsgate Entertainment has acquired worldwide distribution rights to The Hunger Games, which will be produced by Nina Jacobson's production company Color Force
Suzanne Collins has adapted the novel for film herself, and her script is being revised by screenwriter Billy Ray.     
It is anticipated to have a PG-13 rating.Alli Shearmur, Lionsgate President of Motion Picture Production, and Jim Miller, Lionsgate Senior Vice President of Motion Picture Production, will be in charge of overseeing the production of the movie. Here is a quote by Shearmur:      
"The Hunger Games is an incredible property and it is a thrill to bring it home to Lionsgate. This is exactly the kind of movie I came to Lionsgate to make: youthful, exciting, smart and edgy. We are looking forward to working with Nina and Suzanne to create a movie that satisfies audiences' hunger for high-quality entertainment."

Things are moving quite nicely and seem to be coming along well. I'm so excited for the movie! :D 
Next up: Katniss Wannabes!

May the odds EVER be in your favor!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The HG Movie Fever Is Catching!

Hey everyone,
It seems that the Hunger Games movie fever is being spread around! I'm seeing more and more fanmade dream casts and there's even one by a notable magazine. Check in for that tomorrow. I will have their suggestions posted by tomorrow. ;)
Ok, I have news for you people. This blog is now part of The Hunger Games Fan Alliance! 
It's kind of like the Twilight one but ours has been formed BEFORE the movie has come out which will allow us all to get exclusive interviews and info as the movie is made! 
I can't wait for more news on the movie! I'll post it here as soon as I find anything! 

May the odds EVER be in your favor!